Penis White Skin

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Feb 08, 2016 · What Is Penile Cancer? TOPICS » » What is penile cancer? What are the Almost all penile cancers start in skin cells of the penis. Squamous cell

I recently met someone and he has large white blockes of skin on his penis. Almost like he has bleach spots. HAve any of you men out there experienced this.

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White patches on the penis are either a) fungal infection b) vitiligo (it’s more common than you think) c) scarring/irritation from improper masturbation or d) slight

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Online Doctor Chat – White pigmentation on the skin of the penis, Ask a Doctor about diagnosis, treatment and medication for Vitiligo, Online doctor patient chat

Two days ago, I noticed “white” dry flaky patch of skin on my penis shaft (underside). I also noticed there being a tiny cut like a paper cut

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Penis cancer is uncommon. Symptoms include: a thickening or change in colour of the skin; a flat growth or sore on the penis; discharge or bleeding from the growth or

Doctor insights on: White Rash Penis Share Share Maybe: You can sweat enough to get dry patches (from losing skin oils) on the shaft of the penis.

Thanks for the additional information. Well, white patches on the penis without itchiness or puffiness are likely caused from vitiligo. This is actually fairly common.

Dear Concerned virgin, Your white-headed spots, as you call them, on the underside of your penis could be genital warts. The bumps could also be pearly penile papules

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Jan 29, 2008 · Best Answer: Yup, it’s smegma, a grime caused by dead skin cells, and urine, precum and semen residues. It collects under the foreskin, and smells horrible